Balmain Association
Balmain Personalities

Picture of Billy Hughes
Billy Hughes

The Balmain Association has records of personalities and organisations as listed below. The information has been gathered from a mix of donated histories, paper cuttings and local memories. It also contains researched material from enquiries made by individuals.

Details are available from the Association. Please contact us by email
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A’Beckett Louisa
Alt TR
Atkins Edward
Baker Frederick
Balmain War Comfort Fund
Balmain John George
Balmain William
Banks Captain JM
Batty Thomas
Beach William
Beasley John
Beattie James
Beattie ST esq
Beck family
Bentley Capt.
Berry Elizabeth
Bisley Steve
Blackett Edmund
Booth John
Bourne James
Bowles Mary Ann
Boyd family
Boykett Vi
Bracegirdle Sir Leighton
Bradley John
Breakwell Thomas
Broomfield Captain
Brownlee, Thomas
Buchanan Edward
Burrill Family
Burt James
Butement Thomas
Cameron Cpt Ewen Wallace
Carrington Lady
Carruthers Dr CU
Carson Fred college clothing
Cashman Ann
Church W
Clegg John
Clubb George
Cole, John
Coleman John
Connolly Patrick
Cooper George
Cormack Alexander
Cosh Rev James
Cox Henry
Cox William
Crawford Peter
Cuckson Barbara
Darling Ralph
Davidson Bonnie
Dayman James
Degotardis Johann
Deloitte QL
De Belin, Jack, Fred and Billie
De Loitte Vinnie
Dennis Catherine
Dickson Toni
Edwards Alfred
Elliott Bros
Ellis George boat builder
Evans Dr Owen Spencer
Evans Walter
Evatt Clive
Fitzgerald Robert
Fitzhardinge WG and Sons
Ford Frederick
Foy William
Franki James Peter
Fraser Dawn
Gardner Doris
Garrard Jacob
Geraghty Patrick
Gilmour Dame Mary
Glassop Rev JJ
Gordon John
Gorman James
Gourlie Walter Malcolm
Gray Ira and family
Greenwell Annie
Grenville Kate
Hacking Theo
Haesler Bill
Hamey Kathleen
Hancock family
Harris John
Henley Sir Thomas
Hogg SN
Holt John Thomas
Hughes Wm Morris
Hunt John Horbury

Huntley family
Hutchings Harold
Hutchinson WA
Jackson Archie
Jacques Theodore
Johnston Major George and Julia
Jung John Edmund
Kelly Patrick
Kerr Sir John
Killeen Patrick
Klippell Robert
Lane William New Australia
Laws William John
Lennane Dr Jean
Lewis Ray Coal Mine
Lyon John S, Wells and Cottier
MacDonald James
MacDonald Lillian
Manettas Peter
Mansfield Rev Ralph
Marshall Captain William
Masterman Nick
McGoogan George and Joan
McKell Sir William
McLachlan family
McPherson Lenny
Messenger Herbert Henry
Moore Syd butcher
Moorehouse Frank
Morris John
Mort TS
Mullens Josiah
Murdoch Gilbert
Mustica, flower barrow
Nicholls Debbie
O”Connor Richard
Origlass Nick
Paling William
Paris family
Parkes Henry
Paul George, Paul Street
Pearce Captain JW
Perdrieu Henry
Petty Bruce
Pilcher family
Purcell Patrick
Quirk Mary Lily
Quirke John
Radford Jean
Ramsay David
Rees Owen
Reynolds Peter
Roberts Tom Caleb
Roderick John
Rose Thomas
Rosser Thomas
Rourke James
Rowntree Captain
Seddon Alfred
Self Norman
Sharp John Bennett
Simonetti Achille
Slade John James
Smith Ian, boatbuilder
Stack Rev William
Stenhouse ND
Storey John
Tatham Robert G
Therry John Joseph
Thomas KW
Thomson Barbara
Thunderbolt Captain
Tickle Harry
Tidswell Henry E
Toelle Henry C
Tonurist Julie
Towns Robert
Trouton Frederick
Uren Tom
Waite John mayor
Walker David Wallace
Ward John
Watson John Colin
Watson WWL
Watts William
Weston George
Whitfield George
Whitmarsh W
Winch family
Witton Nina
Wood Jan
Wyner Issy