

“Autunno”, Autumn is a collaborative exhibition of work by Janice Ralph, Janet Cheetham (both painters) and Elisabeth Thilo (sculptor).

Although every season has its unique charms, Autumn is a sustained colour explosion and a season for the soul, which is reflected in the works of the artists. In Italy, a place much loved for travel by all three artists, it is also season for harvest and celebrations.

With “Autunno”, the exhibition is aimed at celebrating the beauty and fragility of our local environment and more broadly of the human connection to nature.

Both Janice and Janet’s art is about colour, the vibrancy and intensity and the emotions they evoke. Their works are inspired by their travels, from the many moods and spirituality of the Australian outback, the intricate plays of light of the coastline and to as far away as exotic markets in India.

With their travel wings clipped in recent times, other paintings included are from their more immediate surrounds but encapsulate the joy of colour, life and seasonal change.

To complement their paintings, Elisabeth’s sculptures are concentrated on her passion for nature, its beauty and humanity’s impact on it.

Her work focuses on repurposing discarded material, giving them ‘a new life’. The variety of materials she uses to convey nature’s continuous movement include video tape, driftwood, found stones as well as the more traditional marble, alabaster, limestone and bronze.