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    The Watch House

    179 Darling Street Balmain
    The Watch House is open every Saturday from 11:30am until 3:00pm. Tuesday 11am to 1pm or by appointment.
    For exhibitors hours on weekends or during the week please visit our Exhibitions Page Link.
    The Balmain Association committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6.00pm at the Watch House.
    Guided walking tours by arrangement. Please contact us by email.

    Postal Address

    PO Box 57
    Balmain NSW 2041

    Association News by email

    The Association sends out occasional news and events emails to members and friends. If you would like to join our mailing list please click here Link

    Research at the Watch House

    Research at the Watch House Link
    Catalogue of Archives Link
    Family Histories Link
    Balmain Personalities Link

    Balmain Association Newletters

    Association newsletters starting at No 1 in 1966 Link

    The Link Newspaper

    163 issues of The Link Newspaper dating from 1935 to 1977Link

    Download Forms and Information

    Balmain Association Membership Form Link
    Balmain Association Publications Order Form Link
    Information for booking Watch House Exhibition Space Link
    Balmain Association Constitution Link