Research and Resources


The Balmain Association has a range of historical records and archives located at the Balmain Watch House.

The following pages contain our Catalogue of Archives, Library Catalogue, Family Histories, a list of Balmain Personalities and a list of the Balmain Association Newsletters from 1966 to the present.

Research at the Watch House Link
If you would like assistance in researching your House History or your Family History here are some pointers. If you would prefer our experienced members to assist with your research the fee is $25.

Catalogue of Archives Link
This catalogue includes paper records such as-donated histories, reports, a history of the BA and their activities personalities, industries, streets and houses including photographs and press clippings.

Watch House Library Link
The Balmain Association maintains a library of reference books pertaining to the history and culture of the Balmain Rozelle area.
The books are housed at the Balmain Watch House and are available to view when the Watch House is open. Tuesdays 11:00am until 1:00pm, Saturdays 11:30am until 3:00pm

Family Histories Link
The Balmain Association has a series of Family Histories. Some are donated, some from our own research, some from historical sources while some are from a combination of all three.

Balmain Personalities Link
The Balmain Association has records of personalities and organisations as listed below. The information has been gathered from a mix of donated histories, paper cuttings and local memories. It also contains researched material from enquiries made by individuals.

Balmain Association newsletters Link
All the newsletters starting at No 1 in 1966 up to the present day.

The Link newspapers Link
163 issues of The Link Newspaper dating from 1935 and 1977